Saturday 13 February 2010

Herbets revenge!!!!

Hey Agents!

It's been over a year since the original Elite Penguin Force for Nintendo DS came out. We've heard that lots of you like it and you've even been asking if we're making another one. We're really excited to be the first to tell you about the brand NEW EPF game for the Nintendo DS that'll be released mid 2010!! Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge will have cool stuff you said you liked from the first game - and TONS of new surprises.

What do you think - would you and your Agent friends hang out here?

In other news: A few months ago we posted an image of a mysterious penguin and we told you she'd be helping Agents sometime in the future. Some of you said she looked a lot like Dot the Disguise Gal from the original Elite Penguin Force Game for the Nintendo DS. You were right!! You've been asking more and more about a new mission and we're going to have some news for you really soon. And yes - Dot has something to do with it.
Since the team's building it right now, we want to be able to show you some behind-the-scenes work we're doing. Just for a start, here's a sketch of something you'll be seeing in the game...


  1. whoa cool, i liked the EPF game, the only problem was, every time i finished playing it would erase the game somehow and i would have to start again (and i DID save it, it just didnt work) even when i got to the very end and finished the game it got erased. I hope if i get the new one it won't do that.

  2. i am sorry to here that, i have had no problem with saving it. i cant wait till it comes out.

  3. i made myself a banner! go to my page and save the banner as an image and add it on ur site pls!!! I've added ur banner on my site, pls do the same for me!!



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