Tuesday 23 March 2010

My competition finishes on the 26th

Come hurry i have only had two penguins enter if you cant take a picture draw one.


  1. hi, i aw ur coment at my site about liking my 1st blog better, and im not offended or anything, but i want to know what i can ddo to make this blog better. It has much more things than the old one, it has mods, comps, pages... so what can i do to make it better? change the template? add something? pls helP!

  2. ok i was a bit worried to tell u.

  3. should i change the template and put the pink one back on? or leave the green one? or put a completely new one back on???

    oh and i tried to change the header thing but i couldnt :(

  4. why not make a poll for other penguins to decide thats wat u usally do if ther is anyhting i can help u with just ask.

  5. If u need anythin Podlepops just ask meh!

  6. I'm entering just need to e-mail or post the pic!

  7. Thanks for putting up my banner!


Who is on my blog.